
BEHP1075: Teaching Social Skills to Individuals Diagnosed with Autism

Time limit: 60 days
1 credit

$13 Enroll

Full course description

Time: 1 hour, 1 minute
Credits: 1 Learning BACB CE

Presenter: Joyce Tu, Ed.D., BCBA-D

Course Description: This presentation begins by discussing the differences between social verbal and social nonverbal behaviors. Also discusses some common ways of teaching social skills to children diagnosed with autism. Identifies some critical components to conduct a successful social skills group. Discusses teaching social skills using social stories. Also discusses using video modeling to teach social skills.Defines descriptive autoclitics in Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior. Some preliminary data is shared and specific teaching strategies for descriptive autoclitics are identified.


  • Learn how to conduct a successful social skills groups
  • Understand teaching social skills using social stories
  • Describe the use of video modeling to teach social skills
  • List autoclitics and specific strategies to teach them

Keywords: Social skills, verbal behavior, video modeling, autoclitics

Rating: This course is recommended for professionals who have basic background knowledge of behavior analysis, including prerequisite knowledge of verbal operants and the interpretation of research findings. 

Access: 60 days from the date and time of registration

Important notes:  Your access begins at the time of purchase, not the time of log in.  Effective July 1, 2022, Florida Tech no longer offers extensions for CE courses; if you do not finish your course and need to repurchase, please contact us.  If you are taking this course to maintain your BACB certification, you will need to write your certification number on your certificate of completion, as the BACB requires that your certificate of completion includes your certification number.


For more information, if you experience problems when registering, or if you need to repurchase a CE please email us at


Refund Policy

No refunds are provided once the course is accessed.


These workshops are presented in partnership between the Florida Tech ABA Online program and ABA Technologies, Inc. ABA Technologies, Inc., is a BACB-approved provider of type-2 continuing education hours (provider number: OP-02-0023)