BEHP1109: Best Teaching Practices: Research in the Trenches
Time limit: 60 days
3 credits
Full course description
Time: 2 hours, 50 minutes
Credit: 3 Learning BACB CEs
Presenter: William H. Ahearn, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Course Description: Discusses systematic evaluations of teaching procedures conducted with students in a school for children with ASDs. Includes evaluations for establishing behavior chains, verbal behavior and strategies for remediation that should be implemented when necessary.
- Describe what is meant by best practice.
- Describe the characteristics of autism as they relate to effective treatment.
- Describe common elements of effective intervention.
- Describe how most-to-least and least-to-most prompting procedures affect acquisition of task analyzed routines.
- Describe procedures prompt fading procedures.
- Predict whether teaching procedures will be effective for establishing skills.
- Understand procedures for remediating slow (or no) learning.
- Understand potential prerequisite skills for video modeling.
Keywords: ABA, autism, ASD, education, teaching, goals, remediation, assessment, effective instruction
Rating: This course is recommended for BCBAs, BCaBAs and those who assess and teach children with autism. Background knowledge of ABA is required.
Access: 60 days from the date and time of registration
Important notes: Your access begins at the time of purchase, not the time of log in. Effective July 1, 2022, Florida Tech no longer offers extensions for CE courses; if you do not finish your course and need to repurchase, please contact us. If you are taking this course to maintain your BACB certification, you will need to write your certification number on your certificate of completion, as the BACB requires that your certificate of completion includes your certification number.
For more information, if you experience problems when registering, or if you need to repurchase a CE please email us at
Refund Policy
No refunds are provided once the course is accessed.
These workshops are presented in partnership between the Florida Tech ABA Online program and ABA Technologies, Inc. ABA Technologies, Inc., is a BACB-approved provider of type-2 continuing education hours (provider number: OP-02-0023)