
BEHP1138: Behavior Analysis Basics for OBM

Started May 30, 2019


Full course description

Time: 1 hour, 45 minutes 
Credit: This course does not provide CE credits for behavior analysts.

Presenter: Byron Wine, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Course Description: Provides an introduction to applied behavior analysis (ABA). Designed for individuals with no formal training in ABA.


  • State the definition of ABA
  • Provide definitions of behavior, response, environment and learning
  • Describe how to best measure behavior if given examples
  • Describe the difference between operant and respondent conditioning

Keywords: Applied behavior analysis, introduction, ABA basics, OBM

Rating: Introductory course for individuals interested in the field of OBM

For more information, if you experience problems when registering, or if you need to repurchase a CE please email us at

Refund Policy

No refunds are provided once the course is accessed.

These workshops are presented in partnership between the Florida Tech ABA Online program and ABA Technologies, Inc. ABA Technologies, Inc., is a BACB-approved provider of type-2 continuing education hours (provider number: OP-02-0023)

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